Creating drama with contrasts
Changes in view and feel have a soothing impact during working hours and lead to creativity between focus times. Accent lighting helps build more private areas for relaxation, innovative conversations by providing a contrast to the invariable illumination at workstations. Interior aspects are highlighted by magnificent accents lights, which make it simpler to highlight them, as well as waiting areas and information tables.
Creating focal points with vertical accents
Vertical lighting on wall panels enhances the results lighting levels and allows decent accessibility for conversations and interactive exercises. Vertical lighting on wall panels enhances the results lighting levels and allows decent accessibility for conversations and interactive exercises. Wall washers may well be replaced with spotlights, such as those with oval light distribution. Vertical accents help to create the illusion of a larger room while still increasing the sense of bright light.
Establish private spaces with horizontal accents
Individual horizontal accents establish specific contrasts in the room, allowing for more discreet, nestled zones for concentrated relaxation or brainstorming. This illumination is also suitable lighting for reading purposes. Elevated interior rendering and surface elegance are also achieved with our accent lighting.